Let’s ensure safe and easy access to treatment for the people living with Hemophilia, SMA and HIV.
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Help Patients living with Hemophilia and SMA to live another year.
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Committed to delivering healthcare services to migrants and advancing state-guided, organized, and regular migration
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A non-profit organization established with the aim of eliminating health inequities promoting gender equality and fundamental human rights.


We at SPEAK firmly stand against discrimination on the basis of sex, disease, cast, creed,color,age,religion, ethnicity, or nationality.


Address public health inequities, gender based violence, human rights and HIV issues of migrants through mass awareness, service delivery, capacity- building initiatives, research and advocacy


An inclusive society addressing public health inequities, gender based violence, human rights and HIV issues of migrants

CEO’s Message

SPEAK envisions a society with equitable access to quality health services for everyone. Our aim is to provide an enabling environment leading to a society where human rights are protected and promoted in its true sense. SPEAK work for safe, orderly and regular migration and advocate for migrants’ health and human rights. We promote youth engagement, gender equality and ensure meaningful beneficiary participation in our initiatives. Through research, awareness, service delivery, advocacy & capacity-building initiatives, SPEAK is committed to improve wellbeing of the all marginalized segments of the society.

Be a helping hand

Our Progress

We are dedicated to bring lasting change in the lives of migrants living with HIV, people living with Hemophilia and Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

Know About Hemophilia


Hemophilia and Spinal Muscular Atrophy patients provided with free of cost life-saving treatment

225 +


Staff members and doctors sensitized on Non-discriminatory Treatment to People Living with HIV (PLHIV)



Staff of NGOs trained on HIV, Gender and Engaging men and boys

130 million+

130 million+

Reached through media on HIV/AIDS and labor migrants issues during Covid-19.

15 million

15 million+

People are sensitized through media on Gender Violence & its linkage with Masculinities and Women Human Rights Defenders in Pakistan.


25 Million+

Reached on social media platforms for Awareness and Advocacy on Gender Equality, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS.

600 +

600 +

Returnee migrants and families provided with free HIV testing, counseling and referral
